b'Switzerland |Neuchtel | Chteau dAuvernier Switzerland |Valais| Maison GilliardA M aison Gilliard was founded in 1885 by Edmond Gilliard. He acquired the Clos wine history of more than 400 years. This estate which is located on the shores of the Lake of Neuchtel, currently markets the produce of about 60 hectares (148 acres) ofdu Mont and the Clos du Brle-Fer located on the heights of the town of Sion. grapevines. Although the Auvernier Castle Cellars actually possess only 16 hectaresThanks to our founder, they can pride ourselves on being one of the oldest cellars (39.5 acres) of grapevines, they cultivate an additional 24 hectares (59.3 acres) and buy the har- in Valais and are one of the best-known wine cellars in Switzerland.vest of 20 hectares (49.4 acres) more from vine growers with whom their ties, in some cases, go back several generations. The Dle des Monts, created in 1886, the Fendant Les Murettes, in 1921, as well as the leg-endary Porte de Novembre in 1960 are among the emblematic brands which illustrate the The light to medium chalky soils, in places with barely 40 to 50 cm of topsoil overlaying thereputation of the House. bedrock, can be very generous, providing the grapevine with two to three metres of undersoil. Geologically similar to the Burgundy soil, although situated a little further south, it benefits from the proximity of the lake, which regulates the temperatures, thereby offsetting the additional 100 metres or so in relation to its French counterpart.Switzerland |Vaud |Testuz Switzerland |Vaud| Henri Badouxhe Testuz family established itself in the Dzaley vineyard in 1538. From father toI t all started more than 100 years ago with Chasselas lAigle les Murailles. The famous T son, each generation brought a new line of winegrowers who never stopped workingAigle wine takes its name from Clos des Murailles , whose parchets were purchased in 1908 by Henri Badoux. The vineyard was later renamed Les Murailles dAigle, where the Chasselas grape variety benefits from a terroir with ideal conditions: dry, schistose soil and a the vines. mild, sunny climate.Jean & Pierre Testuz S.A. has produced exceptional wines, fruits of the hard work of womenIt was the famous painter Frdric Rouge , born in Aigle in 1867, who created the legendary and men in the vineyard as in the cellar. All are driven by the same quest for perfection andlabel of Aigle les Murailles in 1919. This made the green lizard , inhabitant of the Chablais are working tirelessly to transform sun-blessed grapes into incomparable nectars. The presti- vineyard, the emblem of this white wine. Already an eye-catcher on the label, the green lizard gious Grands Dzaley is a great ambassador of the legendary quality of the wines producedhas remained the symbol of our wine. In German-speaking Switzerland, it even gave it its by Testuz in Vaudois lands. name: this very popular wine is often referred to simply as lizard wine.56Dreyfus, Ashby & Co. | PORTFOLIODreyfus, Ashby & Co. | PORTFOLIO 57'